Coming up for air

3 Dec

Sorry for the long, awkward radio silence on our end. Just a quick summary of our story as of late:

  • Robin’s been busy with two years (no summer break!) of school and, in her not-so-spare time, growing her event and wedding photography business.
  • I was busy with a long and difficult sale of my pharmacy. It’s an understatement if I say that the process took a lot of time and energy from me.
  • one of our cats had what was, thankfully, an acute case of renal failure.
  • I spent 2 weeks in Belgium and the Netherlands and Robin and I spent 2 weeks in the Andes and jungle of Peru.

So, with everything going, you can imagine that, when dining out, our first priority would be to enjoy our meals, downtime and each other’s company and not to be taking photos or blogging about what we’re eating.

We’ll see how things proceed from here, but expect the bloggin’ to pick up in the next while. Hope our photos will whet your appetite…


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